In News

ALCN virtual professional development roundtable about learning and entrepreneurship – 23 November – 3.30 pm – REGISTER NOW

Dear Colleagues

In what has been a challenging year in which you have been working hard to continue to bring your learning community programmes to your community, our Executive seeks to thank you and celebrate your work in lifelong learning.  


We have organised for you an online professional programme about learning and entrepreneurship.  After being inspired by keynotes  Judith James, PASCAL Board member and former Head of Strategic Regional Collaboration, Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom and Martin Probst, CEO Chief Education Officer, PROfound Leadership we will hear stories from our own ALCN members talking about their Entrepreneurial projects – opportunities and challenges.


Attached is

  • A pamphlet to share with your networks with information about how to register for the event,
  • A detailed programme of events,
  • A briefing note about the aims of the round table.


We are using this meeting as an opportunity to connect with our members and other learning communities around Australia. We also want your ideas for follow-up professional development in 2021. Note we always need more of your stories/good practice which we want to share in 2021.  The Executive’s aim is to feature a different learning community story each month on our website….


Our partners in this event are Wyndham Learning Festival and the PASCAL International Observatory.


Details of where, when and how to register:


Australian Learning Communities Network 2020 Virtual Roundtable

Celebrating Entrepreneurial Models of Australian Learning Communities and Cities


What draws us together as an entrepreneurial ecosystem but also what makes us distinct?


Aim:           To bring together ALCN members and friends from across Australia to share ideas about building resilient, inclusive, entrepreneurial, and sustainable communities.

Format:    Roundtable (online) on Microsoft Teams (90 minutes)

Date:        Monday 23 November 2020

Time:         3.30 pm – 5.00 pm (AEST)


Register using the link here:


Please register. Your ideas for 2021 are welcome and indeed helpful in putting together a useful programme for next year.